Thursday, March 26, 2009

Epidural Steroid Injections Part 3

Final Word

Most of the current evidence on epidural steroids is anecdotal. A few studies indicate that this therapy is essentially not effective. The majority of patients find no long-term benefit from steroid injection and it does not prolong the time to surgery. The problem is that the health care professionals have become charlatans and offering dubious therapies with no proven benefit. For all those with back pain, remember medicine and money never make a good mix.


Epidural steroid injections can cost anywhere from $1200- $2000. There are many health care specialists who are now into the business of pain management and perform the injections. The majority of them do it because they make money.

By the way, most insurance companies and Medicare do not fully reimburse these steroidal injections.

If you have back pain, read the literature on this topic and choose your health care provider well. To date, the only thing epidural steroidal injections have been known to cure is your wallet.

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