Saturday, February 14, 2009

Varicoceles Part 2

Who develops a varicocele?

Surveys indicate that Varicoceles are common in the male population and some studies indicate that nearly 10%-20% of men develop them usually between the ages of 15-30. When the varicocele initially develops there are usually no symptoms. The majority of Varicoceles develop in the left groin. Very rarely are they present on both sides. The reason why most occur on the left side is because of the anatomical differences in venous drainage from the scrotum on the left side.

What does a varicocele feel like?

Generally one can not see a varicocele. Often when one runs the hand along the scrotum, one can feel a sensation like a "bag of worms”. The majority of Varicoceles are small and do not get large. The length of a varicocele is usually less than 1 inch.

Diagnosis of Varicocele

In most cases a physical exam will reveal the presence of a varicocele. The individual should be examined in the standing position. The bag of worms usually disappears when lying down. Often the physician may ask you to bear down (like you are pooping). This increases pressure in the abdomen and can make the varicocele visible. Varicoceles which have been present for many years often do not change with position.

Sometimes a varicocele is suspected but can not be seen. In such a case, an ultrasound will help make the diagnosis. This painless non invasive test can reveal the size of the varicosity, presence of backward blood flow and the location.

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