Monday, June 8, 2009

Why do I have blood in my urine?

Having blood in urine is not normal. Seeing blood in urine can be a frightening experience for most people. When blood occurs in the urine, the condition is medically known as hematuria. In most cases, having blood in urine is not a cause for alarm. Sometimes participating in strenuous sports can cause blood to appear in urine. Some footballers often see traces of blood in urine after being knocked down on the sports field. Other common causes of blood in urine include kidney stones and drugs. However, in the elderly individual blood in urine may signal the appearance of a cancer.

Blood in the urine is classified as gross or microscopic. When the urine is only slightly red and red blood cells are only seen under a microscope, this is known as microscopic hematuria. When there is frank blood in urine, this is known as gross hematuria.

When gross hematuria occurs, one must always rule out a cancer. When there is microscopic hematuria, the cause may be an infection or a stone.

Hematuria that is caused with exercise or sports trauma usually disappears within a few days and does not require any extensive work up


In many individuals, microscopic hematuria may present as red or pink colored urine. It takes only a few red blood cells to make the urine look red. In most cases, there is no pain associated with blood in urine.

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